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Showing posts with label DULCAMARA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DULCAMARA. Show all posts

Friday, November 14, 2014


DULCAMARA  - Bitter-sweet

Dulcamara is suitable when hot days and cold nights towards the close of summer and effects of damp weather, colds after exposure to wet. 

It has marked action on skin, glands, and digestive organs, mucous membranes secreting more profusely while the skin is inactive. The rheumatic troubles induced by damp cold and somewhat relieved by moving about. Speechlessness. Paralysis of single parts. Congestive headache, with neuralgia and dry nose. 

Suitable for patients living or working in damp, cold basements . Eruptions on hands, arms or on the face around the menstrual period.

Head symptoms

Patient can get mental confusion. 
Headache relieved by conversation. 
Rejects things asked for. 
Pain in back part of head  (during cold weather). 
Ringworm of scalp. 
Scald head, thick brown crusts, bleeding when scratched. 
Buzzing in head.

Nose symptoms

Dry coryza. 
Patient feels  stoppage of nose. 
Stuffs up when there is a cold rain. 
Thick, yellow mucus, bloody discharge happens. 
Profuse coryza. 
Wants nose kept warm, least cold air stops the nose. 
Coryza of the new born.

Eye symptoms

Irritation in eyes (with cold or wet weather).
Every time he takes cold it settles in eyes. 
Thick, yellow discharge from eyes (granular lids). 
Hay-fever (profuse, watery discharge, worse in open air).
Sudden stitching pain.
Pain while reading.

Ear symptoms

Sudden pain at night.
Earache, buzzing, stitches, and swelling of parotids. 
Middle-ear catarrh.

Face symptoms

Forming warts on skin.
Outbreaks on skin.
Tearing in cheek extending to ear, orbit, and jaw, preceded by coldness of parts, and attended by canine hunger. 
Humid eruption on cheeks and face generally.

GI symptoms

Mouth symptoms

Taste sweetish. 
Dry, rough tongue, rough scraping in throat (after taking cold in damp weather). 
Cold-sores on lips. 
Difficulty in speaking (from swelling of tongue).
Facial neuralgia( worse while slightest exposure to cold).

Stomach symptoms

Nausea with the desire for stool. 
Vomiting of white, tenacious mucus. 
Aversion to food. 
Burning thirst for cold drinks. 
Chilliness during vomiting.

Abdomen symptoms

Acts prominently on umbilical region. 
Cutting pain about navel due to swelling of inguinal glands.
Diarrhea (with cool food, damp weather). 

Urine symptoms

Urine has thick.
Patient must urinate when getting chilled. 
Burning and painful micturition. 

Female symptoms

Suppression of menses from cold or dampness and damp weather.  
Rashes appears on skin (or) sexual excitement before menses. 

Respiratory symptoms

Winter coughs, dry, teasing. 
Asthma with dyspnœa. 
Patient will get cough in bad cold in  damp weather with free expectoration. 
Cough, hoarse, spasmodic. 
Whooping-cough with excessive secretion of mucus. 
Loose, rattling cough (very bad in wet weather). 
Must cough a long time to expel phlegm. 
Cough after physical exertion.

Back symptoms

Stiff neck. 
Pain in small of back, as after long stooping. 
Stiffness and lameness across neck and shoulders (after exposure to cold and damp weather).

Extremities symptoms

Paralysis (paralyzed limbs, post exposure to cold and damp weather). 
Warts on hands. 
Joint pains.
Rheumatism alternates with diarrhœa. 
Rheumatic symptoms after acute skin eruptions.

Skin symptoms

Abnormal growths on skin.
Outbreaks on skin. 
Swelling and indurated glands from cold. 
Red Spots on skin.
Urticaria brought on by exposure or sour stomach. 
Thick, brown-yellow crusts, bleeding when scratched. 
Humid eruptions on face, genitals, hands, etc. 
Warts, large, smooth, on face and palmar surface of hands. Anasarca.

Fever symptoms

Dry burning heat all over the body. 
Chilliness towards the evening, mostly in back. 
Icy coldness, with pains. 
Dry heat and burning of skin. 
Chilliness with thirst.
Temperature with change of weather.



Worseat night; from cold in general, damp, rainy weather. 
Better - from moving about, external warmth.


Homeopathic Treatment requires stringent individualization. Please do not take any medicine without consulting your Homeopathic Physician.