Spinal osteoarthritis is a painful condition characterized by pain, stiffness, weak ness and numbness in the neck, chest and back. Spinal osteoarthritis is classified into cervical osteoarthritis/sponsylosis, thoracic osteoarthritis/sponsylosis and lumbar osteoarthritis/sponsylosis. Spondylosis condition is very painful which affects our day today life. Our spine is made up of a number of bones known as vertebrae. Between two consecutive vertebrae there is a cushion like substance called intervertebral disc. Spondylosis is a common degenerative condition of the intervertebral disc due to subsequent biochemical changes in the bones and soft tissues. This affects the normal spinal structure and function of the cervical (neck), thoracic (chest area), and lumbar (low back) spine. As biochemical changes transpire, collagen - a crucial structural element of the intervertebral disc is affected by the loss of water content which causes the discs to weaken and shrink in height escalating the risk for disc bulging and herniation. The cartilage covering joint surface erodes causing the spine’s ligaments to thicken and lose strength. In an effort to repair itself, the body forms bone spurs (osteophytes) and the joints enlarge causing osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease.
- Congenital (from birth).
- Heredity.
- Sedentary life.
- Fall or injury.
- Trauma from carrying heavy loads, excessive dancing, violent exercises or gymnastics.
- Wrong positions in sitting, standing or sleeping.
- Aging.
- Smoking.
- Diseases of bones.
- Drugs affecting bones.
Cervical osteoarthritis/spondylosis
- Pain, tenderness and stiffness in the neck, shoulders and arms
- Weakness and numbness in the neck, shoulder, arms
- Headaches at the back of head (cervical osteoarthritis/spondylosis)
- Vertigo and loss of balance (cervical osteoarthritis/spondylosis)
- Swallowing difficulty (cervical osteoarthritis/spondylosis)
- Pain radiating from neck to the arms
- Pain and tingling in the arms and hands
- Morning stiffness.
Thoracic osteoarthritis/spondylosis
- Morning stiffness.
- Pain, tenderness and stiffness in the chest, shoulder, arm
- Chest pain or breast pain
- Weakness and numbness in the chest, shoulder, arms
Lumbar osteoarthritis/spondylosis
- Pain, tenderness and stiffness in the low back
- Weakness and numbness in the back or legs
- Restricted movement, difficulty bending or walking
- Asymmetry in the legs with an unbalanced gait
- Pain and tingling in the lower legs and feet
- Pain radiating from buttocks to the legs
- Loss of bladder or bowel control
- Irritability and sleeplessness due to excessive pain
- Morning stiffness
Homeopathic Treatment For Cervical Spondylosis, Thoracic
Spondylosis And Lumbar Spondylosis:
- Bryonia alb
- Rhus.Tox
- Kalmia
- Hecla.Lava
- Causticum
- Sepia
- Calc.Fluor
- Calc.Phos
- Mag.Phos
- Bed rest when needed.
- Gentle stretching exercises.
- Maintain good posture while sitting, standing and sleeping.
- Do not be in one position for a long time.
- Avoid heavy lifting and activities that aggravate pain or other symptoms.
- Use seat belts in vehicles and keep headrests at proper heights.
- Try to keep your weight close to ideal.
- Stop smoking.
- Avoid violent massages.
- Avoid cold exposures and cold bath
- Avoid citrus fruits since they can precipitate pain.
- Hot showers will help in relieving pain.
Note :
Homeopathic Treatment requires stringent individualization. Please do not take any medicine without consulting your Homeopathic Physician.
Nice one, liked it. Thank you for valuable information.