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Spinal osteoarthritis is a painful condition characterized by pain, stiffness, weak ness and numbness in the neck, chest and back. Spin...

Friday, November 21, 2014


Alternative name: Yellow Jasmine
Homoeopathy short name: GELSEMIUM

Mechanism of Action:

Nervous system: Dizziness, drowsiness, dullness, and trembling.
Slow pulse, tired feeling, mental apathy.
Motor paralysis and general prostration. 
Paralysis of various groups of muscles about the eyes, throat, chest, larynx, sphincter, extremities, etc. Post-diphtheritic paralysis. 
Muscular weakness. Complete relaxation and prostration. Lack of muscular co-ordination. General depression from heat of sun.
Sensitive to cold and dampness is the main causative factor to bring many complaints.

In children, fear falling, grab nurse or crib. Decreased circulation.

Nervous affections of smokers and cigarmakers. 

Causative factors:

Bad effects from fright, fear, exciting news, may be good or bad. Stage fear. Child starts and grasps the nurse, and screams as if afraid of falling.

Mind or mental Symptoms:

Want to be quiet
Desire to be left alone
Dullness, indolence, listless
Delirium while falling in to sleep
Emotional excitement, fear, etc, leading to physical ailments

Head symptoms:

Vertigo or dizziness spreading from occiput.
Occipital headache: Dull, heavy ache, with heaviness of eyelids; bruised sensation all over the head; Feels better by compression and lying with head high on pillow. Heaviness of head; band-feeling around and occipital headache. 
Pain in temple, extending into ear and wing of nose, chin. Headache with muscular soreness of neck and shoulders. Headache followed by blindness; Patient’s headache relieved by profuse urination. Scalp sore to touch. Patient will be in delirious stage on falling asleep.

Eye symptoms:

Ptosis; eyelids heavy; patient can hardly open them.
Blurred and Double vision due to disturbed muscular apparatus. Gelsemium corrects blurring and discomfort in eyes even after accurately adjusted glasses. Hysterical amblyopia.

Nose or Nasal symptoms: 

Acute coryza with watery, excoriating discharge. Coryza associated with dull headache and fever. Sneezing with fullness at root of nose. Swelling of turbinates.
Face symptoms:
Hot heavy flushed, besotted looking. Facial neuralgia. Contraction of facial muscles, especially around the mouth.

Gastrointestinal System: Mouth symptoms;

Tongue is paralyzed, numb, thick, coated, yellowish, and tremble,.
Stomach symptoms:
No thirst. Hiccough increase in the evening. Sensation of emptiness and weakness at the pit of the stomach, or of an oppression, like a heavy load.
Stool symptoms: Partial paralysis of rectum and sphincter. Diarrhœa due to emotional excitement, fright, bad news. Painless or involuntary stools. Cream-colored, tea-green.

Urinary symptoms: 

Dysuria. Profuse, clear, watery, with chilliness and tremulousness.. Partial paralysis of bladder; flow intermittent. Retention.
Female symptoms: Aphonia and sore throat during menses. Vaginismus. False labor-pains; pains pass up back. Dysmenorrhœa, with scanty flow; menses retarded. Pain extends to back and hips. Sensation as if uterus were squeezed .

Male symptoms: 

Spermatorrhœa, without erections. Cold and relaxed genitals. Gonorrhœa, first stage.

Respiratory symptoms: 

Slowness of breathing, with great prostration. Oppression of chest. Aphonia; acute bronchitis. Dry cough, with sore chest and fluent coryza.  respiration quickened, spasmodic affections of lungs and diaphragm.

Heart or cardiac  symptoms:

Weak and slow pulse. Palpitation; pulse soft, weak, full and flowing. Pulse slow when quiet, but greatly increased on motion. A feeling as if it were necessary to keep in motion, or else heart's action would cease. 

Back symptoms: 

Every little exertion causes fatigue. Dull, heavy pain. Complete relaxation of the whole muscular system. Dull heavy pain in neck, especially upper sterno-cleido muscles. Dull aching in lumbar and sacral region, passing upward. Pain in muscles of back, hips, and lower extremities, mostly deep-seated.

Extremities symptoms: 

Writer's cramp. Loss of power of muscular control. Cramp in muscles of forearm. Professional neuroses. Excessive trembling and weakness of all limbs. Hysteric convulsions.

Sleep symptoms:

Sleepless from nervous irritation. Delirious on falling asleep. Insomnia from exhaustion; from uncontrollable thinking.

Fever symptoms: 

Slow pulse, full, soft, compressible. Chilliness up and down back. Heat and sweat stages, long and exhausting. Muscular soreness, great prostration, and violent headache. Nervous chills. Bilious remittent fever, with stupor, dizziness, faintness; thirstless, prostrated. Chill, without thirst, along spine; wave-like, extending upward from sacrum to occiput.

Skin symptoms:

Hot, dry, itching, measle-like eruption. Erysipelas. Measles, catarrhal symptoms; aids in bringing out eruption.


Aggravation or Worse, from -  damp weather, before a thunderstorm, emotion, or excitement, bad news, tobacco-smoking, when thinking of his or her complaints;
Amelioration or Better from - by profuse urination, bending forward, open air, continued motion, stimulants.

1 comment:

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