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Spinal osteoarthritis is a painful condition characterized by pain, stiffness, weak ness and numbness in the neck, chest and back. Spin...

Friday, November 14, 2014



This drug is suitable to young weakly persons, anæmic and chlorotic, with pseudo-plethora, who flush easily; cold extremities;oversensitiveness; worse after any active effort. 

Mind or mental symptoms

Slight noises unbearable. 
Excited from slightest opposition. 
Sanguine temperament.

Head symptoms

Vertigo on seeing flowing water. 
Stinging headache. 
Ringing in ears before menses. 
Hammering, pulsating, congestive headache; pain extends to teeth, with cold extremities. Pain in back of head, with roaring in neck. 
Scalp painful. Must take down the hair.

Eyes symptoms

Eyes will be watery, dull red. 
Sensitive to light.
Letters run together.

Face symptoms

Skin discoloration.
Face swelling.
Fiery-red and flushed from least pain, emotion, or exertion. 
Red parts become white, bloodless and puffy.

Nose symptoms

Mucous membrane relaxed, boggy, anaemic, pale.

Mouth symptoms

Pain in teeth; relieved by icy-cold water. 
Earthy, pasty taste, like rotten eggs.

Stomach symptoms

Voracious appetite, or absolute loss of appetite. 
Loathing of sour things. 
Attempts to eat bring on diarrhœa. 
Spits up food by the mouthful (Phos). 
Eructations of food after eating, without nausea. 
Nausea and vomiting after eating. 
Vomiting immediately after eating. 
Vomiting after midnight. 
Intolerance of eggs. 
Distention and pressure in the stomach after eating. 
Heat and burning in stomach. 
Soreness of abdominal walls. 
Flatulent dyspepsia.
Undigested, at night, while eating or drinking, painless. 
Ineffectual urging; stool hard, followed by backache or cramping pain in rectum; prolapsus recti; itching of anus, especially young children.

Urine symptoms

Involuntary; worse daytime. Tickling in urethra extending to bladder.

Female symptoms

Menses remit a day or two, and then return. 
Discharge of long pieces from uterus. 
Women who are weak, delicate, chlorotic, yet have a fiery-red face. 
Menses too early, too profuse, last too long; pale, watery. Sensitive vagina. 
Tendency to abortion. 
Prolapse of vagina.

Respiratory symptoms

Chest oppressed; breathing difficult. Surging of blood to chest. Hoarseness. Cough dry, spasmodic. Hæmoptysis (Millefol). With the cough pain in occiput.

Cardiac symptoms

Palpitation; worse, movement. 
Sense of oppression. Anæmic murmur. 
Pulse full, but soft and yielding; also, small and weak. 
Heart suddenly bleeds into the blood vessels, and as suddenly draws a reflux, leaving pallor of surface.

Extremities symptoms

Rheumatism of the shoulder. 
Dropsy after loss of vital fluids. 
Lumbago; better, slow walking. Pain in hip-joint, tibia, soles, and heel.

Skin symptoms

Pale; flushes readily; pits on pressure.

Fever symptoms

General coldness of extremities; head and face hot. 
Chill at 4 am. 
Heat in palms and soles. Profuse, debilitating sweat.



Better -  walking slowly about. Better after rising. 
Worse -  while sweating; while sitting still. After cold washing and overheating. Midnight aggravation.


Homeopathic Treatment requires stringent individualization. Please do not take any medicine without consulting your Homeopathic Physician.

1 comment:

  1. I was diagnosed as HEPATITIS B carrier in 2013 with fibrosis of the
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